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The recreational, or city, league currently consists of teams from Blast Ball (3 and 4 year olds) to U5-U18. 

The T-Ball and Coach Pitch Divisions play “age pure” which means five year olds play each other; six year olds play each other, etc.  Rules are established to ensure that the anticipated abilities to play, learn and develop are realistic for the respective age groups.  As kids move up in age groups, the rules of the game advance accordingly to advance their baseball skills and knowledge. U7/8 and above age groups teams are selected by a draft based on a coaches look in the spring season. If a player participated in the prior Fall season he/she may elect to stay with his teammates within the age division parameters.  If the player wishes to change teams from his/her fall team he/she must attend the coaches look and go through the draft process.

City League coaches for both Fall and Spring are selected from a list of volunteers based on number of teams.  Coach volunteer applications are available at registration.  All CBA coaches must pass a routine criminal background check and complete a coach certification course.  One weeknight game and one Saturday game per week is expected in the Spring, games in the Fall are only played on Saturdays.  Number of regular season games is expected to be 10 in the Spring and 8 in the Fall.

A City League Tournament (double elimination) is played at the end of the regular season in the Spring to determine a champion for all divisions except Blast ball and T-Ball.  There is no Blast ball and T-Ball tournament in CBA.

All divisions (Blast Ball, U6, U8, U10, U12, U14 and U16) play age group mixed.  No tryouts are required.  Blast ball, U6, U7 and U8 have the option to build your own team. Blast ball and U6 have the option to pick a buddy. If a player has participated in the prior spring season he/she may request to stay with his teammates within the age division parameters.  Requests are not guaranteed.